MO: Louisiana Bill SB371 to allow judges to sentence child sex offender with surgical castration advances

Source: 3/26/24

A bill SB371 to give judges the discretion to punish individuals who sexually assault a child with surgical castration advances from Senate Judiciary C. Baton Rouge Senator Regina Barrow’s bill allows for the sentencing of surgical castration if the victim is under the age of 13.

“This would allow a judge to impose a sentencing that may require them to be surgically castrated. And this would actually happen before they are released from prison,” said Barrow.

Lake Charles Senator Mark Abraham said he has a problem with castration if it’s a first offense and that he believes in second chances.

“I know there’s not a lot of second chances when you’re 13 and under, I get that. I don’t want to commit two crimes here I guess is what I’m saying,” Abraham said.

“For me, when I think about a child, one time is too many,” Barrow responded.

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I support the castration of judges who would hand down these unconstitutional sentences.

They can pass it, but just like Florida’s executions, this will be challenged on “cruel and unusual”. There’s no way removal of limbs and organs would pass mustard with the higher courts.

I’ve come to expect this kind of legislation to be introduced whenever it’s an election year.

With dems like her, who needs republicans?

How barbaric, I can’t believe it’s 2024 and politicians down south are sitting around at a table talking about removing ovaries and cutting penises off.

This is on par with what the Nazi’s did during their time. Those in LA should be reminded of that fact while this is being challenged in court under the Eighth Amendment.

I still think something happened to this gal as a child. Or maybe a bad relationship got violent. Cutting off other men’s penises won’t solve those personal problems

I doubt they can find a doctor that would do this surgery. Doctors aren’t allowed to do harm, even with a judges request. But I’m also sure SCOTUS wouldn’t allow it either and the politicians know that. But it sounds good just to get elected.

I am a person forced to register in Louisiana. This is not the first time this bill has been presented. Last year it came up and a committee voted to delay it. Now, I suppose it is back.
In addition to lynchings, Castration is one of the horrible things that were sometimes done by vigilantes to black males in the South back “in the day”. Now, our legislature wants to make it legal.
The irony is that this bill is sponsored/presented by a black woman. I wonder if she is aware that castration is one of the horrible and reprehensible tools that was used by racist groups in the last century.
I wonder if those groups (i.e. KKK) would strongly support this bill.
Sure, it falls under the “law of the land”, but still… it sounds, smells, looks, feels, and tastes like a throw-back to an earlier and barbaric time when castration and lynching were applied together.

This bill, should it become law, would never pass constitutional muster.

But as usual, it has nothing to do with protecting society. This is nothing more than political grandstanding in an election year. Personally, I like the idea someone had that if a legislator writes a blatantly unconstitutional law that is stricken down as such on appeal, that legislator should be accountable for all costs associated with the appeal to all parties affected.

Gives a new meaning to “come and take it.”

What about female offenders? Does this bill apply to them too, or is it just singling out men? I thought “justice” is supposed to be meted out equally?
If the legislature wants to propose a bill like this, they should make it apply to women too/ So who’s going to be in charge of super gluing someone’s vagina shut?

I’m not sure what castration prevents. If a person is castrated and commits a second offense with some sort of object what gets removed then?

What’s with lawmakers’ obsession with gentials? Do they really believe justice is done by lopping off another person’s manhood or womanwood without any medical or human sexuality backgrounds? Crazy to think they believe registrants are the boogeyman while they are the ones thinking what’s done below a person’s waist.

This is just the next step in the process. Little bit testing the waters, little good old fashion fear mongering. However, I do not believe they are testing the waters with the Judiciary… in the long run, they don’t really matter.

Testing the waters with the people is where it’s at. Can they sell this idea to the people? Can they get popular support for it. Just like the Florida death sentences… Judiciary will strike it down, and they will get a big win!

Populism… this is all about getting popular support, for their populist agenda. The more Courts strike down popular laws, the more people think there needs to be changes, to the laws, and maybe who and how interpretation is done?

In a populist society, ANYTHING is legal, so long as it is popular. ANYTHING that gets in the way of, “the will of the people” must be…fixed. So whip up public support for outrageous laws, watch them die in court…then whip up outrage!


More reason to get on board with them, right? You don’t want to keep letting those evil judges protect the Predators… who endanger the children… right? What kind of person are you? Hmmmmmmm?

Demonize these people sufficiently, so all will agree. If only because they’re too afraid to disagree. It’s not like the far right already has an absolutely outrageous, completely unproven, claim that ALL ARE REQUIRED TO BELIEVE, or be eliminated! Right? Totally not already true.